Friday, September 22, 2006


PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI - You can see that little is left. The town was virtually levelled, or disappeared altogether.

We recently spent several weeks in nearby Gulfport, Mississippi, pitching in with the crews doing the rebuilding there. We'll soon have a slideshow of our work in Gulfport. One afternoon we took a couple of hours to see the remains of Pass Christian. It's a bit surreal, a bit like ancient archaeological ruins down there. Pretty much all that remains intact (apparently) is the water tower. The town is just gone, as are the people. The whole town is decimated. They will be years rebuilding if they decide to do so.

^^^^Rock walls and a spiral staircase - all that remains^^^^

^^^^More rock walls^^^^

^^^^More stone walls^^^^

^^^^This billboard sign did not survive the hurricane winds.^^^^

^^^^A building lifted off its foundation and set down to rest upon a house.^^^^

^^^^^A commercial building site. All that remains is a parking lot, foundation, and a pile of old tires.^^^^

^^^^The Pass Christian water tower seems to be the only structure left intact.^^^^

^^^^Foundation and camper trailer.^^^^

^^^^Another foundation and trailer.^^^^

^^^^Rebuilding the main bridge - new support columns in the distance.^^^^

As you can see, we are gradually changing and optimizing our template. The slideshow in constant motion seems to be a distraction so we are maintaining one smaller slideshow in our masthead, and we'll use still photos from here on out in the body of our posts.


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